“This above all: To thine own self be true and it must follow, as night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.”
- William Shakespeare
- William Shakespeare

Doug Frohman is a visual & metaphysical artist working in Chicago & New York. Over the past decades, he has created a number of distinctive series, shown here based on how they "speak" to each other and to us.
Mr. Frohman's work has been inspired by the worlds of meditation & yoga psychology he has explored since college. This on-going study has fed his expansive imagination, spawning many of the themes that have come to define and characterize his work.
He paints in oils using a cement trowel, (like the one they use to make the sidewalk). He often adds diverse elements like encaustic, sand, found objects and x-ray film to energize his surfaces. The works are built upon layers of "seeking and finding", discovering the underlying connections in his art and with the wider world.
His work charts a path through geometric abstraction that utilizes associative, symbolic & narrative elements. These "imaginary places in time" often utilize themes that are both "seen and unseen", akin to those found in nature.
Like the unseen wind blowing the leaves in the trees or the ocean's waves moving ever forward by an invisible hand,
Mr. Frohman's incisive line, buoyant shapes & illuminated atmospheres are all shot through with an ebullient sense of color that delights and engages us. His creations spark a wide variety of associative connections that aim to take each individual on their own singular journey.
Doug Frohman is a visual & metaphysical artist working in Chicago & New York. Over the past decades, he has created a number of distinctive series, shown here based on how they "speak" to each other and to us.
Mr. Frohman's work has been inspired by the worlds of meditation & yoga psychology he has explored since college. This on-going study has fed his expansive imagination, spawning many of the themes that have come to define and characterize his work.
He paints in oils using a cement trowel, (like the one they use to make the sidewalk). He often adds diverse elements like encaustic, sand, found objects and x-ray film to energize his surfaces. The works are built upon layers of "seeking and finding", discovering the underlying connections in his art and with the wider world.
His work charts a path through geometric abstraction that utilizes associative, symbolic & narrative elements. These "imaginary places in time" often utilize themes that are both "seen and unseen", akin to those found in nature.
Like the unseen wind blowing the leaves in the trees or the ocean's waves moving ever forward by an invisible hand,
Mr. Frohman's incisive line, buoyant shapes & illuminated atmospheres are all shot through with an ebullient sense of color that delights and engages us. His creations spark a wide variety of associative connections that aim to take each individual on their own singular journey.
The Artist during yoga classes given in Rishikesh, India when he journeyed to the Kumbha Mela in Haridwar in 2010.
"THOUGHTS OF HER" 24"x 24"
silk cloth over panel - 2020
silk cloth over panel - 2020